August 12, 2024

The Importance of Networking in Veterinary Medicine

Building Connections at IIVER


In veterinary medicine, networking is important in building relationships with other veterinary professionals, including veterinarians, technicians, researchers, and educators. This can be done through attending conferences, joining online communities, or volunteering with veterinary organizations. A strong network can provide veterinarians with access to continuing education opportunities, mentorship, and job prospects.

The International Institute of Veterinary Education and Research is a professional organization that provides opportunities and prospects not only for academics and research facilities, but also to build up personality along with effective connections with the fast moving world. IIVER conducts a variety of programs, including seminars, online conferences and events.

Why networking is crucial in veterinary medicine

  • Enhancing professional development

While studies are vital, knowing how to portray oneself adequately is crucial. You can grow this by establishing connections with experts in your industry. This is the point at which networking becomes important. It puts you in touch with experienced colleagues and mentors who can offer their insights, help you learn new skills, and direct your professional development.

  • Sharing knowledge and resources

Networking can be beneficial for both parties. When you learn something, you can also provide some new and fresh insights regarding the topic, which helps both parties expand their understanding of the subject. You exchange new ideas and valuable insights, learn new techniques, and make yourself accessible to a wider range of resources to benefit your patients and career.

  • Staying updated

Changes are inevitable in the world of veterinary medicine which keeps changing and evolving itself for the betterment of animal welfare. Networking keeps you stay updated on the ever evolving atmosphere and the latest industrial trends.

  • Opportunities for collaboration and research

Networking gives budding veterinarians vast opportunities to improve their skills and gain more knowledge and experience. This opens doors to collaboration with researchers, doctors, and colleagues on various projects and improves knowledge sharing, accelerates advancement all while improving the quality of animal care.

Networking opportunities at IIVER

Conferences and Seminars

IIVER regularly organises conferences and seminars to ensure that students are exposed to the latest developments in veterinary medicine and industry trends, as well as to establish connections with a range of accomplished researchers and entrepreneurs.

IIVER creates a dynamic environment for students. Along with the on-campus seminars, the mentors at IIVER also encourage students to participate in conferences worldwide. I had the opportunity to experience this during my second year of BVSc-AH. Dr. Gaya Prasad, former Dean of IIVER, suggested I attend a conference in Port Blair where he was a speaker. While I couldn't attend in person, participating virtually also proved to be an amazing experience. I got introduced so many great people and their contributions to the field of veterinary medicine.

Also, at the beginning of my third year, I was so anxious about my career that I felt I wasn't doing enough when Dr. Gaya Prasad also helped me through that by connecting me with renowned researchers. It was such an overwhelming moment for me. I visited their laboratories under the recommendation of Dr. Prasad. They showed me around and had a great conversation regarding what were available paths for me at this point. It also opened my mind to great theories about how I should not limit myself and I am so glad to have ended up at a college like IIVER, where I get to have such great mentors.

How to build effective connections at IIVER

Before networking outside, students should understand the concept of networking deeply. They should recognize how privileged they are to have such opportunities. It's a problem when students don't take these seminars seriously; for most, it's just a free hour between classes. Even though attending is voluntary, why not make the most of these opportunities? Eventually, you'll pay for similar opportunities and seminars in the future that are currently free. So, when you get notified about any seminar or conference, make sure you are prepared to benefit from it.

To make the most of every speaking opportunity:

  • Do some research on the speaker and look up his or her background and achievements
  • During the lecture, maintain discipline and listen to the speaker. Active listening and asking relevant questions can make you stand out. This will not only enhance your reputation among students, teachers, and the speaker, but it will also make you memorable to the speaker. You can use this to remind the speaker of your interaction when you connect with them later.
  • After the event, you can add them on LinkedIn. Having a LinkedIn account will help you grow professionally by connecting you with many professionals al around the world.
  • Do not limit yourself. With the use of social media, you can connect with any researcher, industrialist, or doctor worldwide. The best platform to connect is LinkedIn, where you can personally connect with many renowned personalities. Regularly post your ideas or any activities you perform in college related to your veterinary field. This lets people see how serious you are about your future. It's well said, "What you see is what sells," so it's important for your career to showcase yourself in the most presentable way, highlighting your skills and knowledge.

Overcoming networking challenges

  • Tame networking anxiety

It's normal to feel anxious and overwhelmed. When we start something new or step out of our comfort zone, the first step is always difficult. If you feel socially anxious about asking questions in front of everyone, wait until the event is over and ask them personally. If you feel awkward asking questions in person, you can connect with them on social media and ask there, but only if they are open to conversation and you respect their time.

  • Manage time

Sometimes, don't immerse yourself entirely in networking and socializing, as it's a part of your career, not the entire goal. Plan your activities and set realistic goals. Focus on quality interactions, not quantity. Make the most of it, and don't spend too much time thinking about it instead of taking action.

  • Boost confidence

Practice your introduction and elevator pitch. Research events beforehand to be prepared. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small.


Networking in veterinary medicine is essential for professional growth, continuous learning, and career advancement. The International Institute of Veterinary Education and Research (IIVER) offers numerous opportunities for veterinary professionals to connect with peers, share insights, and collaborate on projects. By preparing for networking events, engaging in meaningful conversations, and maintaining these connections, you can greatly enhance your professional journey.

Despite the challenges networking may present, the long-term benefits—such as expanded professional influence, ongoing development, and a supportive network—are invaluable. We encourage all veterinary professionals to actively participate in networking opportunities at IIVER and beyond. Building a robust network can be the cornerstone of a successful and fulfilling career in veterinary medicine.

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