October 16, 2024

Study Abroad Seminar @ IIVER

Please check the 3rd physical counseling schedule for IIVER Here

Study Abroad Seminar @ IIVER

IIVER hosted a study abroad seminar providing young veterinarians with insight into global veterinary practice and opportunities for professional growth.

A person touching a button on a touch screen.

Study Abroad Seminar @ IIVER

IIVER hosted a study abroad seminar providing young veterinarians with insight into global veterinary practice and opportunities for professional growth.

A person touching a button on a touch screen.

Study Abroad Seminar @ IIVER

IIVER hosted a study abroad seminar providing young veterinarians with insight into global veterinary practice and opportunities for professional growth.

A person touching a button on a touch screen.
October 16, 2024

3rd Physical Counselling Schedule for IIVER

Please check the 3rd physical counseling schedule for IIVER Here